Friday, January 26, 2007

Mixing Business...with Pleasure!

It is amazing what happens when you have goals and actually try to accomplish them. The baby steps turn into leaps and bounds. I wrote out my annual goals a few weeks ago...yes it's that time of year again...and strangely the act of just writing it down has made me more motivated to just get out there and do it. Goals can cover all aspects of your least mine do. But something about the process of saying "This is what I am going to accomplish this year!" has forced me into a state of action.

My thought process has been more creative, my drive has been more ambitious and my action has been steady. I am looking forward to what I will accomplish this year...BIG DREAMS coming to light due to hard work and dedication.

If I reach for the stars, the worst that can happen is I may land in a tree...but most likely I will be successful. It's an amazing feeling...the rush and excitement of putting your skills and challenges to the test and accomplishing things.

And finally I am seeing things clearly again...and loving the view:)

Happy 2007!

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