Monday, July 17, 2006

Official Announcement: I am moving to Dublin, Ireland

So as luck would have it, I can't seem to get away from "The Islands". There is the beautiful island of Sicily, where my mom's family is from, The gorgeous and exotic Bahamas, where my dad's family is from and now I've been offered a position with work which will take me to another island......Dublin, Ireland.

So here are the details:

Who? Me(Vanessa) along with 40 of my co-workers and some of their families from TiltWare.

What? The company I work for, FullTiltPoker is relocating to Dublin, Ireland. I'm moving over there as "Recruiting Manager" for the new company.

Where?????????? Yes, Dublin, Ireland - The office is in Cherrywood, to be exact, but that's not on a map yet (picture an office park in Valencia 10 years ago, when all there was in Valencia was Magic Mountain). "Cherrywood" is also known as "Loughlinstown" on your Dublin neighborhood searches. Here is a satelite pic: Map of Cherrywood

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When? Most likely leaving end of August - exact date TBD with a time commitment of two years.

Why? Because I can (oh and it's an amazing opportunity to work and live and travel in Europe for two years, duh!)

So here is a link to some facts about my soon to be new home:
"Facts about Ireland"

So this is one way to keep my friends and family updated on how things are going as I move, for the first time in my life, out of "The Valley" in Sunny California and into what I expect will be a very beautiful but very rainy Dublin...stay tuned for more updates as I start my new adventure.

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