So after a quiet weekend, I am at work on Monday when I receive a call from a coworker who says, "Hey I just got back in town from LA, are you busy tonight?" My first thought, "yes, I have to go to the gym." Instead I say, "Why what's goin' on?" He proceeds to tell me he has an extra ticket to the Dave Matthews Acoustic Concert and it starts at 8pm, can I be there? Hmmm....let me think about that...HELL YEAH I can be there. In case I forgot to mention it, I have been a Dave Matthews fan since college and have attempted on a few occasion to see them perform in LA...unfortunately always unsuccessfully. So I hurry home from work that night, DART it into the city, meet Kevin, hail a taxi to the concert hall, which is actually a boxing arena the size of a high school gym, and as we are about to walk in a scalper asks us if we need tickets. Kevin asks him what seats they are. They are no better than ours, but suddently the guy yells out to his buddy and the buddy runs across the street and trades/upgrades our tickets for 30 euro which we can't seem to muster in change so we give him about 25 and walk into the arena as Dave is singing and find we have upgraded to 7th row seats for a three hour acoustic set with him and Tim Reynolds...and since I could never do it justice, I'll leave the rest to them...
and here are some of the pics as well...

It was amazing...I can't wait to go again in May when the whole band is in town:)
AND finally...a shout out to ALEX...HAPPY BIRTHDAY:)
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