This was the first party at The Magic Castle!
Here is the rest of what I've been up to...ending at the final going away party at mom's house where my camera battery finally died until I arrived in Dublin.
After that we had a bbq at Jude's house for Labor Day and then I proceeded to run around like a crazy person packing and doing last minute errands. I had no idea how much work it would be to get everything settled and packed into 6, yes 6 suitcases.
Morning of my leave after about 5 errands, Sandra and Karen met me for a final hug and farewell and the water works began. I hadn't opened all my presents and cards yet because I was afraid if I did, I wouldn't leave, especially after Alithea gave me a card at the party and began to cry saying, "Don't go, I'm gonna miss you!" For those of you who don't know, Alithea is Sean's 6 year old daughter and we have spent many a Sunday together, playing at the Farmer's Market, going to the park, having BBQ's etc. so when she started to get teary-eyed, so did I.
My mom and dad took me to the airport and Jude met me there and gave me one more hook up...she somehow arranged it so I didn't have to wait in line with all of my luggage, which was a God-send considering the amount of stuff I had on me...I won't get the rest of my things for about 2 months so my whole life was in these suitcases.
Once on the plane I opened all the cards and gifts and of course began crying and laughing all at the same time from all the sweet cards and awesome memories...the lady next to me must've thought I was nuts....but not that nuts because she proceeded to talk and talk and talk even when I was wearing ear plugs and an eye mask (thanks Janine!). It must've been pay back for all the times I've talked your ears off, haha!
After a 10 hour flight, I landed in Dublin and dropped my stuff off at the hotel and went straight to the office.
Mike took Jeff and I to dinner at an Italian restaurant in City Centre and then to get an ice cream and then we came back to the hotel at which point I slept for about 14 hours until 3:30pm the next day.
Niall, my new boss, took our team to an amazing dinner last night at the Bang Cafe and for cocktails beforehand which was nice...the food was amazing.
This morning I woke up at noon and fussed around my hotel for a bit and then Mike called and we went to meet Ernest (it was Ernest's bday today) to the horseraces in Leopardstown. Everyone was dressed up like in the movie "My Fair Lady" but it turns out that there was a special event where they were judging for best dressed lady...wish I would've known, I could've gotten all dressed up.
Then they took me all over City Centre and to the mall in Dundrum and we walked up and down a street for 3 hours looking for a Mexican restaurant and when we finally found it, I ordered nachos and got a bowl of chili with chips on the side, not exactly what I was expecting.
Here Are some pics from my first few days here:
Funniest and most random things so far...
the toilets are horrible...they are clean but none of them have toilet seat covers (not used to that, thanks for the warning, Jude!).
I got in the wrong side of the cab when the driver picked me up from the airport. He proceeded to kindly tell me that he would be driving today.
They drive on the opposite side of the road so you have to be really careful when crossing the streets or you will get hit if you don't look both ways.
They order goods out of a catalog store, the way that Sears used to be before the internet, that was strange.
None of us can figure out if, who and what you are supposed to tip for....we know it's different but we're not sure how different...still workin' on that one.
I had to buy a new wallet today because euros come in change and my wallet doesn't hold change and the euros are huge so they don't fit in my current wallet ( were right, again!)
I still can't figure out how to use all the converters and I don't dare use my laptop, blowdryer or curling iron for fear of blowing them up.
And walk everywhere. We walked for 8 hours today and I can barely move my feet right now because they are so sore and that was with comfortable shoes's most similar to NYC in that respect but definitely something I better get used to quickly.
Coolest thing so far...I really am only 10 hours away which is really not that far if you think about it so stop sending me emails that you think I am dead (Sandra...I Love You!) and if you miss me, get on a plane and come see how beautiful it is out the way, it hasn't rained yet, knock on wood!
I love you and miss you all and I will see you all very soon! If I'm lucky, I'll make it home for Christmas! xoxo. Ness
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