Thanks for all the well wishes! I really appreciate it and I can't wait for everyone to come out and visit the "Ireland". Really cool is the fact that you can fly from Dublin all over Europe for as cheap as 1 euro + tax if you book in advance, which means lots of weekend trips around Europe.
We will be having a "going away" party before I go so get ready for some fun!
On a side note, my favorite comment so far was from my mom, who when looking at the blog and saw a picture of the Dublin office, said, "Oh look, you will be by the water!" LOL, that really made me laugh since the whole country is an Island surrounded by WATER! I hear there is good surfing there too. Freezing cold but good.
Keep 'em coming! I love the feedback! So much fun! Of course, as soon as I created this blog, my laptop battery died, so I have to send it in for service to stay connected, and I can't believe how much I miss having my laptop at home! I think I'm becoming a technology geek, but maybe that's not a bad thing.
Another cool thing I discovered is a service called
where you can download a software that allows you to talk on the internet for free in the US and for only .02 a minute to call Dublin. All you need is headset and my laptop works using the built in microphone. Very Cool!