Thursday, July 20, 2006

Well Wishes!!!

Thanks for all the well wishes! I really appreciate it and I can't wait for everyone to come out and visit the "Ireland". Really cool is the fact that you can fly from Dublin all over Europe for as cheap as 1 euro + tax if you book in advance, which means lots of weekend trips around Europe.

We will be having a "going away" party before I go so get ready for some fun!

On a side note, my favorite comment so far was from my mom, who when looking at the blog and saw a picture of the Dublin office, said, "Oh look, you will be by the water!" LOL, that really made me laugh since the whole country is an Island surrounded by WATER! I hear there is good surfing there too. Freezing cold but good.

Keep 'em coming! I love the feedback! So much fun! Of course, as soon as I created this blog, my laptop battery died, so I have to send it in for service to stay connected, and I can't believe how much I miss having my laptop at home! I think I'm becoming a technology geek, but maybe that's not a bad thing.

Another cool thing I discovered is a service called


where you can download a software that allows you to talk on the internet for free in the US and for only .02 a minute to call Dublin. All you need is headset and my laptop works using the built in microphone. Very Cool!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The French Girl in Los Angeles!

This is the blog of one of the girls who works for our new company in Dublin. She is from France and blogged her visit to LA, very funny!

Sarah's Blog

Monday, July 17, 2006

Official Announcement: I am moving to Dublin, Ireland

So as luck would have it, I can't seem to get away from "The Islands". There is the beautiful island of Sicily, where my mom's family is from, The gorgeous and exotic Bahamas, where my dad's family is from and now I've been offered a position with work which will take me to another island......Dublin, Ireland.

So here are the details:

Who? Me(Vanessa) along with 40 of my co-workers and some of their families from TiltWare.

What? The company I work for, FullTiltPoker is relocating to Dublin, Ireland. I'm moving over there as "Recruiting Manager" for the new company.

Where?????????? Yes, Dublin, Ireland - The office is in Cherrywood, to be exact, but that's not on a map yet (picture an office park in Valencia 10 years ago, when all there was in Valencia was Magic Mountain). "Cherrywood" is also known as "Loughlinstown" on your Dublin neighborhood searches. Here is a satelite pic: Map of Cherrywood

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

When? Most likely leaving end of August - exact date TBD with a time commitment of two years.

Why? Because I can (oh and it's an amazing opportunity to work and live and travel in Europe for two years, duh!)

So here is a link to some facts about my soon to be new home:
"Facts about Ireland"

So this is one way to keep my friends and family updated on how things are going as I move, for the first time in my life, out of "The Valley" in Sunny California and into what I expect will be a very beautiful but very rainy Dublin...stay tuned for more updates as I start my new adventure.