It is amazing what happens when you have goals and actually try to accomplish them. The baby steps turn into leaps and bounds. I wrote out my annual goals a few weeks ago...yes it's that time of year again...and strangely the act of just writing it down has made me more motivated to just get out there and do it. Goals can cover all aspects of your least mine do. But something about the process of saying "This is what I am going to accomplish this year!" has forced me into a state of action.
My thought process has been more creative, my drive has been more ambitious and my action has been steady. I am looking forward to what I will accomplish this year...BIG DREAMS coming to light due to hard work and dedication.
If I reach for the stars, the worst that can happen is I may land in a tree...but most likely I will be successful. It's an amazing feeling...the rush and excitement of putting your skills and challenges to the test and accomplishing things.
And finally I am seeing things clearly again...and loving the view:)
Happy 2007!
Friday, January 26, 2007
I wrote this a while ago, but it still applies so...enjoy:)
Childhood Remembrances!
I think life is best when we keep it simple and go back to our childhood basics.
So, what are the basics I was taught?
Listening to your needs.
Eat when you are hungry. Stop eating before you are full.
Exercise because it's FUN and it gives you ENERGY. Ride your bike, rollerskate, ski, play tag & run like hell. Swim in the deep end of the pool and past the waves in the ocean, WHATEVER IT IS, just get outside and PLAY (and don't forget to wear SUNSCREEN). Drink lots of water. Take naps when you are tired. Have an afternoon snack. Eat Cookies and Chocolate, mmmmm... Brush your teeth before bed. FLOSS.
Learn something new every day.
Laugh ALOT! Cry when you are hurt or sad. In other words, don't hold things in.
BREATHE deeply.
Do everything whole heartedly and if you are not, consider if you should be doing it at all.
Have good intentions. Be kind to all those around you.
Listen to music. DANCE. Swing on the swings.
Don't be so serious, let small things bother you or read into everything.
Live life every day to it's fullest and take advantage of every opportunity to do something fun. TRAVEL!
Don't get into too much trouble because everything in life has consequences and you may get grounded or put in timeout.
Follow the rules when you need to but don't be afraid to question authority when necessary.
Follow your INSTINCTS.
PLAY everyday.
Make SACRIFICES, especially when the sacrifice will make you stronger or will help someone else.
Do nice things for others without expecting anything in return.
Love with all of your HEART.
Don't be afraid to feel emotion whole heartedly but learn to recognize when your emotion is clouding reality. Be REALISTIC.
Get out of your comfort zone by doing something that scares you every day. Keep your eyes open, especially when on roller coasters.
Be open to feedback that is critical from those you trust but be careful WHO you trust. Listen to the good things people tell you more than the bad.
STAND up for what you believe in but pick your battles wisely.
SING every day.
Don't procrastinate.
PLAN things out but be spontaneous and flexible as well.
Enjoy everything you do, if for no other reason then you were blessed with the opportunity to experience OR learn "something".
Be humbled by the things you will see in life that are unpleasant and then do something different. LEARN from your mistakes and then try not to repeat them.
Don't take everything that happens in your life personally. Realize that some things happen by CHANCE, some are by FATE, and some things are somewhere in between.
Be a LEADER, not a follower.
Stay home when you are sick.
Spend time with the people you love the most and don't waste your time on those you don't. Don't allow people to be reckless with your HEART!
Count your BLESSINGS! Forget your misfortunes.
Enjoy every moment, because you never know when it will be your LAST!
I think life is best when we keep it simple and go back to our childhood basics.
So, what are the basics I was taught?
Listening to your needs.
Eat when you are hungry. Stop eating before you are full.
Exercise because it's FUN and it gives you ENERGY. Ride your bike, rollerskate, ski, play tag & run like hell. Swim in the deep end of the pool and past the waves in the ocean, WHATEVER IT IS, just get outside and PLAY (and don't forget to wear SUNSCREEN). Drink lots of water. Take naps when you are tired. Have an afternoon snack. Eat Cookies and Chocolate, mmmmm... Brush your teeth before bed. FLOSS.
Learn something new every day.
Laugh ALOT! Cry when you are hurt or sad. In other words, don't hold things in.
BREATHE deeply.
Do everything whole heartedly and if you are not, consider if you should be doing it at all.
Have good intentions. Be kind to all those around you.
Listen to music. DANCE. Swing on the swings.
Don't be so serious, let small things bother you or read into everything.
Live life every day to it's fullest and take advantage of every opportunity to do something fun. TRAVEL!
Don't get into too much trouble because everything in life has consequences and you may get grounded or put in timeout.
Follow the rules when you need to but don't be afraid to question authority when necessary.
Follow your INSTINCTS.
PLAY everyday.
Make SACRIFICES, especially when the sacrifice will make you stronger or will help someone else.
Do nice things for others without expecting anything in return.
Love with all of your HEART.
Don't be afraid to feel emotion whole heartedly but learn to recognize when your emotion is clouding reality. Be REALISTIC.
Get out of your comfort zone by doing something that scares you every day. Keep your eyes open, especially when on roller coasters.
Be open to feedback that is critical from those you trust but be careful WHO you trust. Listen to the good things people tell you more than the bad.
STAND up for what you believe in but pick your battles wisely.
SING every day.
Don't procrastinate.
PLAN things out but be spontaneous and flexible as well.
Enjoy everything you do, if for no other reason then you were blessed with the opportunity to experience OR learn "something".
Be humbled by the things you will see in life that are unpleasant and then do something different. LEARN from your mistakes and then try not to repeat them.
Don't take everything that happens in your life personally. Realize that some things happen by CHANCE, some are by FATE, and some things are somewhere in between.
Be a LEADER, not a follower.
Stay home when you are sick.
Spend time with the people you love the most and don't waste your time on those you don't. Don't allow people to be reckless with your HEART!
Count your BLESSINGS! Forget your misfortunes.
Enjoy every moment, because you never know when it will be your LAST!
Saturday, January 13, 2007
New Year's Resolutions!
It's another stormy day in Dublin. The wind and rain is in full force so rather than venture to Dun Laoughaire to sign up for the gym as I intended, I sit here blogging in the warmth of my cozy apt. I promise to do yoga later to make up for it:)
So it's that time of the year when I typically dedicate myself to accomplishing certain things in the year. Big goals that turn into smaller more accomplishable tasks to keep me focused, dedicated or disciplined. Last year was a year of change. If you asked me a year ago if I would be living 8,000 miles from LA, without the comforts of having friends and family within close reach, I would have told you, no way. Never gonna happen. But here I sit, a year later, in Dublin, committed to be here for a period of time, contemplating what I want to accomplish while I am here.
I've always had my 9 main areas of goal focus, so I'll share them here in no particular order for the sake of thoroughness and maybe for a bit of inspirational encouragement. Plus if I put it out there, then I have to stay dedicated to it:)
Career is going well. My biggest career goal this year was to hire, hire hire. Mission accomplished. I've hired over 120 employees just for the new company in Dublin since May...not counting the hiring I did prior to the relocation announcement. The biggest effort on this front was to not compromise standards regarding the quality of the candidates while still hitting very high # targets. Another goal was to work on my business plan. So far that hasn't worked out so well and I really need to get focused on that. I'd like to be able to come back to LA and start my company and create something from scratch. I have alot of the ideas worked out in my head but most of it needs to be detailed on paper and worked out financially and strategically, so that is a huge goal for me this year.
Travel & Vacation:
I had a few goals already in mind when I decided to relocate. I wanted to travel around Europe, experience different cultures, step outside of my comfort zone. That's an in progress goal, I guess. I've just booked a trip to Paris for the 1st week in February when Caroline arrives. I got an amazing deal through travelzoo so we have nice accomodation and a relatively cheap flight to go experience a new country. Other places I'd like to visit while I'm here...Madrid, Barcelona, Venice, Palermo, Sweden, Rome, Berlin, Austria or Switzerland for skiing, Amsterdam, Bordeaux, Dubai, Prague, Vienna, Milan, Ibiza in the summer, etc.
Friends & Family:
This has been the biggest compromises and hardest one for me this year. I am completely feeling like I have to sacrifice on this to accomplish some of the other things I dedicated to this year which really doesn't sit well with me. I have tried to keep in touch through phone, skype is great( btw, my skype address is ness1113). I've been and will continue to blog and I try and email as well, but this has been a suffering area for me, especially missing everyone so much. But people will start rolling into Dublin and Europe as we get closer to summer so that will help. So far, Caroline is coming in February, Carol is coming in May, my mom & brothers are coming in August and I will be home in April and July. Not counting all the other unplanned trips as well.
Health & Fitness:
Regarding fitness, I want to get into the best shape of my life this year...I don't know what that means exactly but the smaller goal would be to exercise a minimum of 4 days a week, cycle, weight train, yoga, dance, etc. consistently throughout the year. I did ok on this last year but I could step it up a notch, and have lost a lot of my momentum while living here due to moving so many times, inconvenience, etc. I have been learning to cook a bigger variety of meals as well, so making healthy eating choices would be a part of that as well. It's easier here since there is no MEXICAN FOOD and portions of food served here is more accurate.
Financially, I'd like to be in a position where I could increase my income and really focus on some long-term savings goals, ie. property, retirement, investments etc. so I need to re-budget now that I am here and have a handle on things so I can get focused on that. Moving to Dublin was a big part of this goal as well so that's a work in progress.
This has been another hard one in Dublin as well. I feel spiritually connected to God but a bit out of touch on the activity side. I used to go to church regularly in LA and here, no one goes and everyone seems a bit jaded religiously which is strange for me growing up in a very spiritually fulfilled environment where you didn't question whether or not God exists or persecute religion, even other religions, in the same way that the culture seems to here. Being a Catholic country, I am suprised at how much religion is DEAD here. So goal would be to find a spiritually enlightened church...this may be a difficult one, but I will try.
Personal Development:
I'm picking easy goals on this one this year. Get some culture, ie. visit museums, learn about the culture of Europe, pay attention to my environment as I travel, find out where I may be able to contribute. Also, try to cook a new recipe every week. Read daily. Finally, finish a knitting project...I started this last year but got distracted and I'd like to at least finish something, preferably a cool blanket, this year.
Hardest one to discuss in a public forum... last year was really hard for me relationship wise. I don't need to get into that. Most of you already know. But I have noticed that I have been gun shy with dating and relationships this last year as was I guess to be expected. This one will progress naturally I think and I am beginning to have a more open mind to the idea of a new relationship. The tarot card reader at the Christmas party said that someone will pursue me and I will begin a relationship with someone that I already know this year after I cross water, and I just crossed water so let's see how accurate those psychic's are;) She described him as a "knight", swords and all, but said that I could handle it. Whatever that means!!!
This is always a fun one for me but this year is a bit different since I'm in Dublin. I love to decorate and work on "home" projects. Before I left, I was trying to create an Italian or French Country villa theme in my house. This year the goal is to keep it simple and try not to accumulate a lot of crap while I'm here. Of course, if I find things that are a must have while I'm traveling in France or Italy for my LA home, I will pick things up, but other than that, the goal is to keep it as simple and low maintenance as possible. Easy to do, since my home here is furnished.
So it's that time of the year when I typically dedicate myself to accomplishing certain things in the year. Big goals that turn into smaller more accomplishable tasks to keep me focused, dedicated or disciplined. Last year was a year of change. If you asked me a year ago if I would be living 8,000 miles from LA, without the comforts of having friends and family within close reach, I would have told you, no way. Never gonna happen. But here I sit, a year later, in Dublin, committed to be here for a period of time, contemplating what I want to accomplish while I am here.
I've always had my 9 main areas of goal focus, so I'll share them here in no particular order for the sake of thoroughness and maybe for a bit of inspirational encouragement. Plus if I put it out there, then I have to stay dedicated to it:)
Career is going well. My biggest career goal this year was to hire, hire hire. Mission accomplished. I've hired over 120 employees just for the new company in Dublin since May...not counting the hiring I did prior to the relocation announcement. The biggest effort on this front was to not compromise standards regarding the quality of the candidates while still hitting very high # targets. Another goal was to work on my business plan. So far that hasn't worked out so well and I really need to get focused on that. I'd like to be able to come back to LA and start my company and create something from scratch. I have alot of the ideas worked out in my head but most of it needs to be detailed on paper and worked out financially and strategically, so that is a huge goal for me this year.
Travel & Vacation:
I had a few goals already in mind when I decided to relocate. I wanted to travel around Europe, experience different cultures, step outside of my comfort zone. That's an in progress goal, I guess. I've just booked a trip to Paris for the 1st week in February when Caroline arrives. I got an amazing deal through travelzoo so we have nice accomodation and a relatively cheap flight to go experience a new country. Other places I'd like to visit while I'm here...Madrid, Barcelona, Venice, Palermo, Sweden, Rome, Berlin, Austria or Switzerland for skiing, Amsterdam, Bordeaux, Dubai, Prague, Vienna, Milan, Ibiza in the summer, etc.
Friends & Family:
This has been the biggest compromises and hardest one for me this year. I am completely feeling like I have to sacrifice on this to accomplish some of the other things I dedicated to this year which really doesn't sit well with me. I have tried to keep in touch through phone, skype is great( btw, my skype address is ness1113). I've been and will continue to blog and I try and email as well, but this has been a suffering area for me, especially missing everyone so much. But people will start rolling into Dublin and Europe as we get closer to summer so that will help. So far, Caroline is coming in February, Carol is coming in May, my mom & brothers are coming in August and I will be home in April and July. Not counting all the other unplanned trips as well.
Health & Fitness:
Regarding fitness, I want to get into the best shape of my life this year...I don't know what that means exactly but the smaller goal would be to exercise a minimum of 4 days a week, cycle, weight train, yoga, dance, etc. consistently throughout the year. I did ok on this last year but I could step it up a notch, and have lost a lot of my momentum while living here due to moving so many times, inconvenience, etc. I have been learning to cook a bigger variety of meals as well, so making healthy eating choices would be a part of that as well. It's easier here since there is no MEXICAN FOOD and portions of food served here is more accurate.
Financially, I'd like to be in a position where I could increase my income and really focus on some long-term savings goals, ie. property, retirement, investments etc. so I need to re-budget now that I am here and have a handle on things so I can get focused on that. Moving to Dublin was a big part of this goal as well so that's a work in progress.
This has been another hard one in Dublin as well. I feel spiritually connected to God but a bit out of touch on the activity side. I used to go to church regularly in LA and here, no one goes and everyone seems a bit jaded religiously which is strange for me growing up in a very spiritually fulfilled environment where you didn't question whether or not God exists or persecute religion, even other religions, in the same way that the culture seems to here. Being a Catholic country, I am suprised at how much religion is DEAD here. So goal would be to find a spiritually enlightened church...this may be a difficult one, but I will try.
Personal Development:
I'm picking easy goals on this one this year. Get some culture, ie. visit museums, learn about the culture of Europe, pay attention to my environment as I travel, find out where I may be able to contribute. Also, try to cook a new recipe every week. Read daily. Finally, finish a knitting project...I started this last year but got distracted and I'd like to at least finish something, preferably a cool blanket, this year.
Hardest one to discuss in a public forum... last year was really hard for me relationship wise. I don't need to get into that. Most of you already know. But I have noticed that I have been gun shy with dating and relationships this last year as was I guess to be expected. This one will progress naturally I think and I am beginning to have a more open mind to the idea of a new relationship. The tarot card reader at the Christmas party said that someone will pursue me and I will begin a relationship with someone that I already know this year after I cross water, and I just crossed water so let's see how accurate those psychic's are;) She described him as a "knight", swords and all, but said that I could handle it. Whatever that means!!!
This is always a fun one for me but this year is a bit different since I'm in Dublin. I love to decorate and work on "home" projects. Before I left, I was trying to create an Italian or French Country villa theme in my house. This year the goal is to keep it simple and try not to accumulate a lot of crap while I'm here. Of course, if I find things that are a must have while I'm traveling in France or Italy for my LA home, I will pick things up, but other than that, the goal is to keep it as simple and low maintenance as possible. Easy to do, since my home here is furnished.
Winter Wonderland in LA!
It's been a while since I've blogged and a lot has happened...been so busy, I've barely had time to breathe but it's a quiet Saturday so I thought I'd get back into it for a bit. Funny enough, I haven't had my computer since I was in LA as I did the idiot move of spilling coffee (w/ extra sugar) onto my computer right before I left for LA and short-circuited my keyboard. It amazes me how not having technology when I am so reliant on it to stay in touch can drive me mad!!! Since I moved into my new apt I haven't had TV either so when my computer fritzed, I was left with only my blackberry as a technical connection to the world and was completely reliant on keeping myself entertained without access to TV, laptop, etc. Fortunately, I left the next Friday for LA and was so busy that it didn't really matter.
I had a fabulous time in LA. The weather was amazing, high 70's - 80's the whole time I was there and it was like being in heaven, especially now as I come back to Dublin the winds are back up into weather warning and I literally was almost blown into a lake last night while walking to a pub with co-workers for a Friday evening drink. My feet literally lifted off the ground Mary Poppins style and I was TERRIFIED! I hate wind.
While in LA, I got to see everyone I have missed so much and had a blast. Karen volunteered to pick me up from the airport and we headed to the mall at which point the jetlag had started to kick in and I literally was feeling so dizzy that I couldn't even see the merchandise so we headed out to my first meal back....Mexican food at Casa Vega of course. Tara met us there as well and we spent the evening chit chatting over spicy mexican salsa and margaritas, another bit of heaven and of course my biggest food weakness in life.
Woke up at 5:30 am the next day and jumped into my car for the first time in 4 months and headed to Starbucks, excited that it would be open so early in the morning, grabbed a Caramel Macchiatto and headed to Target for some bargain supply shopping, even having special requests from some of my co-workers who are missing things while in Ireland. I stocked up on all my favorite things to bring back to Dublin and later that afternoon met CJ for a haircut. I couldn't wait to see him, catch up and get a decent haircut. Afterwards I met up with Rasmus (post tattoo), met his new roommate, Mike and the three of us headed to Abbott Kinney for dinner at a cool little Tapas Restaurant, hit the Viceroy, the Cat Club, the Spider Club and then to HELL (otherwise known as Avalon). It was a 12 hour session of massive fun followed by a massive session of hangover.

We went to a Swedish Christmas Eve party the next afternoon and I got to see Petra & Andreas right before they had their beautiful baby girl, Vilda, where I couldn't even drink the GLOG, which is as most of you know, one of my favorite things. Fortunately, Blue (Rasmus's dog who was only a few weeks old when I left LA) was quite content to lay on the couch with me all afternoon while I recovered. That night my mom and I had a nice dinner just the two of us (more Mexican food of course) and I had an early night to bed, still jetlagged and exhausted.
Christmas morning I woke up and did the rounds of dropping off presents, got to see Jude and the puppies and then cooked my first Turkey, with coaching from my mom of course....but we did the stuffing from scratch, prepared the bird, made all the traditional side dishes, and had a nice day with family (Mom, DJ, Hunter, Nana, Chrissy, Paula & Annette) followed by racing to drop off a dinner plate to my dad and make it to Jude's in time for dessert (Christmas tradition). Unfortunately, cooking the turkey took 8 hours so I missed most of it as everyone was beginning to head home right as I arrived. I did also get to talk to my cousin Kirstin, who asked me to be her new daughter Olivia's godmother.
Met Sean for lunch the next day, had a doctor's appt only to find out I had asthmatic bronchitis for the past 2 months...yuck...and then met Karen for a day at Loehmann's, my favorite shopping spot at the Beverly Center. She asked me to be in her wedding, so exciting!!! I ended up passing out on her couch watching TV, obviously still jetlagged...the 8 hour time difference was really playing it's toll on my social life.
I spent Wednesday night with Sandra. She gave up her weekly date night so we could go to sushi and catch up, spent the night at her house, she cooked me breakfast in the morning and then we hit the Fashion Square. I had an appt that evening to see CJ one more time so headed back to Beverly Hills and he took me to our favorite summer spot together, the Abbey. I then stopped by the Cat Club, met up with Alex in Brentwood, headed back to the Cat Club to catch the Starfuckers and see Sean & Keith & everyone and then called it a night.

Friday, I met Alex for an afternoon coffee and then met up with Marisa and had a nice evening with her and George and finally got to meet her mom, who was fabulous of course...
Saturday, I spent with Karen and then met Ben for a drink at a fun wine bar called Air Conditioned and then headed to Rasmus's. Spent the New Year's Eve day at 3rd street promenade looking around for last minute things for the theme party that night and then it was to Roberto's for a very fun New year's Eve party. Highlights: Marisa & George & Natascha were able to make it...

Rasmus & Even Steven DJing...

Masha and her hilarious black glasses...all of the cool masks...Even Steven stepping backwards into the jacuuzi for a dip...Yelena & Jacqui playing dress up and in wigs at 8am...watching the sunrise...not getting to Jude's to sleep until about 11am...only sleeping for 3 hours and then kept going...spent that evening at Karen's, again passing out on her couch watching TV.
Had two more appts in the Valley on Tuesday, saw my Nana for a bit, saw my dad for a bit, and then headed back to Casa Vega for my last Mexican meal with Jude, Andy, Carol, Tara, etc. and then went back to Tara's for a little bit since we hadn't spent much time together while I was there.

Meanwhile, Petra & Andreas finally had their baby that I got up the next morning and visited them...she is gorgeous and they both looked fabulous and were glowing parents....

Stopped by Rasmus's to get my winter coat(it's freezing here), packed at my mom's and got on a plane back to Dublin.
It couldn't have been a better vacation and made me realize that no matter what, there is no place like home for the holidays! I can't wait to come back...hopefully at the end of April for Coachella, and definitely in July for Karen's wedding.
I had a fabulous time in LA. The weather was amazing, high 70's - 80's the whole time I was there and it was like being in heaven, especially now as I come back to Dublin the winds are back up into weather warning and I literally was almost blown into a lake last night while walking to a pub with co-workers for a Friday evening drink. My feet literally lifted off the ground Mary Poppins style and I was TERRIFIED! I hate wind.
While in LA, I got to see everyone I have missed so much and had a blast. Karen volunteered to pick me up from the airport and we headed to the mall at which point the jetlag had started to kick in and I literally was feeling so dizzy that I couldn't even see the merchandise so we headed out to my first meal back....Mexican food at Casa Vega of course. Tara met us there as well and we spent the evening chit chatting over spicy mexican salsa and margaritas, another bit of heaven and of course my biggest food weakness in life.
Woke up at 5:30 am the next day and jumped into my car for the first time in 4 months and headed to Starbucks, excited that it would be open so early in the morning, grabbed a Caramel Macchiatto and headed to Target for some bargain supply shopping, even having special requests from some of my co-workers who are missing things while in Ireland. I stocked up on all my favorite things to bring back to Dublin and later that afternoon met CJ for a haircut. I couldn't wait to see him, catch up and get a decent haircut. Afterwards I met up with Rasmus (post tattoo), met his new roommate, Mike and the three of us headed to Abbott Kinney for dinner at a cool little Tapas Restaurant, hit the Viceroy, the Cat Club, the Spider Club and then to HELL (otherwise known as Avalon). It was a 12 hour session of massive fun followed by a massive session of hangover.
We went to a Swedish Christmas Eve party the next afternoon and I got to see Petra & Andreas right before they had their beautiful baby girl, Vilda, where I couldn't even drink the GLOG, which is as most of you know, one of my favorite things. Fortunately, Blue (Rasmus's dog who was only a few weeks old when I left LA) was quite content to lay on the couch with me all afternoon while I recovered. That night my mom and I had a nice dinner just the two of us (more Mexican food of course) and I had an early night to bed, still jetlagged and exhausted.
Christmas morning I woke up and did the rounds of dropping off presents, got to see Jude and the puppies and then cooked my first Turkey, with coaching from my mom of course....but we did the stuffing from scratch, prepared the bird, made all the traditional side dishes, and had a nice day with family (Mom, DJ, Hunter, Nana, Chrissy, Paula & Annette) followed by racing to drop off a dinner plate to my dad and make it to Jude's in time for dessert (Christmas tradition). Unfortunately, cooking the turkey took 8 hours so I missed most of it as everyone was beginning to head home right as I arrived. I did also get to talk to my cousin Kirstin, who asked me to be her new daughter Olivia's godmother.
Met Sean for lunch the next day, had a doctor's appt only to find out I had asthmatic bronchitis for the past 2 months...yuck...and then met Karen for a day at Loehmann's, my favorite shopping spot at the Beverly Center. She asked me to be in her wedding, so exciting!!! I ended up passing out on her couch watching TV, obviously still jetlagged...the 8 hour time difference was really playing it's toll on my social life.
I spent Wednesday night with Sandra. She gave up her weekly date night so we could go to sushi and catch up, spent the night at her house, she cooked me breakfast in the morning and then we hit the Fashion Square. I had an appt that evening to see CJ one more time so headed back to Beverly Hills and he took me to our favorite summer spot together, the Abbey. I then stopped by the Cat Club, met up with Alex in Brentwood, headed back to the Cat Club to catch the Starfuckers and see Sean & Keith & everyone and then called it a night.
Friday, I met Alex for an afternoon coffee and then met up with Marisa and had a nice evening with her and George and finally got to meet her mom, who was fabulous of course...
Saturday, I spent with Karen and then met Ben for a drink at a fun wine bar called Air Conditioned and then headed to Rasmus's. Spent the New Year's Eve day at 3rd street promenade looking around for last minute things for the theme party that night and then it was to Roberto's for a very fun New year's Eve party. Highlights: Marisa & George & Natascha were able to make it...
Rasmus & Even Steven DJing...
Masha and her hilarious black glasses...all of the cool masks...Even Steven stepping backwards into the jacuuzi for a dip...Yelena & Jacqui playing dress up and in wigs at 8am...watching the sunrise...not getting to Jude's to sleep until about 11am...only sleeping for 3 hours and then kept going...spent that evening at Karen's, again passing out on her couch watching TV.
Had two more appts in the Valley on Tuesday, saw my Nana for a bit, saw my dad for a bit, and then headed back to Casa Vega for my last Mexican meal with Jude, Andy, Carol, Tara, etc. and then went back to Tara's for a little bit since we hadn't spent much time together while I was there.
Meanwhile, Petra & Andreas finally had their baby that I got up the next morning and visited them...she is gorgeous and they both looked fabulous and were glowing parents....
Stopped by Rasmus's to get my winter coat(it's freezing here), packed at my mom's and got on a plane back to Dublin.
It couldn't have been a better vacation and made me realize that no matter what, there is no place like home for the holidays! I can't wait to come back...hopefully at the end of April for Coachella, and definitely in July for Karen's wedding.
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